
Karaoke for Ayreon - And the Druids Turn to Stone

Ayreon - And the Druids Turn to Stone (06:36)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Ayreon - Age of Shadows (10:47)
Ayreon - And the Druids Turn to Stone (06:36)
Ayreon - And the Druids Turn to Stone (06:36)
Ayreon - And the Druids Turn to Stone (06:36)
Ayreon - Beneath the Waves (08:26)
Ayreon - Comatose (04:26)
Ayreon - Computer Eyes (07:27)
Ayreon - Connect the Dots (04:12)
Ayreon - Day 11 Love (04:17)
Ayreon - Day 16 Loser (04:46)
Ayreon - Day Eight School (04:22)
Ayreon - Day Eleven Love (04:18)
Ayreon - Day Eleven Love (04:18)
Ayreon - Day Eleven Love (04:17)
Ayreon - Day four Mystery (05:37)
Ayreon - Day One Vigil (01:32)
Ayreon - Day One Vigil (01:32)
Ayreon - Day One Vigil (01:32)
Ayreon - Day Seven (02:47)
Ayreon - Day Seven Hope (02:47)
Ayreon - Day Seven Hope (02:47)
Ayreon - Day Six Childhood (05:07)
Ayreon - Day Sixteen Loser (04:46)
Ayreon - Day sixteen Loser (04:46)
Ayreon - Day Three Pain (04:58)
Ayreon - Day Two Isolation (08:43)
Ayreon - Eyes Of Time (05:06)
Ayreon - Isis and Osiris Let the Journey BeginThe Hall of Isis and Os (11:10)
Ayreon - My House On Mars (07:42)
Ayreon - Newborn Race (07:49)
Ayreon - Ride the Comet (03:28)
Ayreon - River Of Time (04:24)
Ayreon - Temple Of The Cat (04:06)
Ayreon - The Castle Hall (05:49)
Ayreon - The Sixth Extinction (12:18)
Ayreon - The Truth Is In Here (05:11)
Ayreon - Valley Of The Queens (02:25)
Ayreon - Web of Lies (02:50)

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